General terms and conditions
The food delivery service is provided by Palánta Salátabár
The General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: the General Terms and Conditions) govern the rights, obligations and other relevant conditions of the provider and the buyer. The general terms and conditions of the legal relationship between the GCT Palánta Salátabár (hereinafter referred to as the Service Provider) and the buyer in contact with it (hereinafter: the Buyer). Acceptance of the terms will be considered if Customer makes use of the service or orders. The service provider reserves the right to modifyPalánta Salátabár’s general contract terms in whole or in part at any time. The amendment will come into effect when it is published. The place of publication is the Service Provider’s respective home page. The Terms and Conditions of Palánta Salátabár remain in effect until the Service Provider provides the service.
The Service Provider is only able to accept an order if the Customer makes all the necessary information for the order to the Service Provider when the order is delivered. The Service Provider shall not be liable for damages resulting from faulty performance resulting from incorrect data, and the resulting costs shall be reimbursed to the Service Provider. The prices of the products are shown gross at gross value. The purchase price is always the price indicated for the selected item.
We reserve the right to change the prices published on the website by the effect that the change will take effect at the same time as the website appears. Any modification will not affect the purchase price of the goods already ordered. The Service Provider is obliged to confirm the order of the Buyer’s electronic (e-mail, online ordering surface) within 1 hour of the order. The contract is created by sending a confirmation of the order to the Buyer. The contract language is Hungarian. Buyer declares that you accept and agree to these Terms of Service by giving the order.
Delivery and Payment Terms
Payment can be made in cash, in Erzsébet voucher or by bankcard in the courier or shop responsible for the Service Provider.
Warranty and Warranty in the Civil Code and in Law 117/1991. (IX.10) Government Decree. Validation is possible through delivery couriers. Customer’s objections to online orders and delivery can be submitted on the Service Provider’s website and in accordance with this document.
Legal and e-environment
Purchases from our webshop are conducted in accordance with CVIII of 2001 on Electronic Commerce Services and Certain Aspects of Information Society Services. Law Ektv. In addition, Government Decree 17/1999 (II.5.) On distance contracts, Act CLV of 1991 on Consumer Protection, Act, Act IV of 1959 on the Civil Code, Law.
Data protection
The Service Provider hereby informs the Customer that his or her data will be stored for the performance of the Contract and for the subsequent proof of the terms of the Contract. Your data will not be transferred to third parties. We handle the data in accordance with the applicable Privacy Policy.
Problems, Complaints, Complaints
Any problems or complaints regarding the fulfillment of the order can be reported by the Buyer via the following contact details:
- By phone: 20 277 5021
- Email:
Supervisory Authorities
Csongrád County Government Office District Office of Szeged Department of Employment and Consumers Department of Consumer Protection
6728 Szeged, Dealer station 3-5.
Contact details: 62 / 680-530
Office of the District Office of Csongrád County District Office of Szeged Authority Department I Food Chain Safety and Veterinary Department
6724 Szeged, Vasas St. Peter Street 9.
Phone: 62 / 680-800
Attacker of the County City of Szeged
6720 Szeged, Széchenyi Square 10.
Phone: (62) 564-131
Csongrád County Conciliation Body
6721 Szeged, Paris krt. 8-12.
Phone: + 36-62 / 554-250 / 118
Our data
Operator / Service Provider / Data Manager: Fresh Foodie Hungary Kft.
Headquarters: 6725 Szeged, Gutenberg u. 5th
Phone: 20 277 5021